Peter Pan
T’yanna and Freya performed in Peter Pan at Derby Theatre over Christmas 2017. Both girls have appeared in several winter productions for director Sarah Brigham, and it’s a testament to their professionalism that they keep getting invited back!

Joseph Summer School
Monday 7 August – Saturday 12 August
This year our theme was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! 33 students spent a week with us and put on a mini musical full of wonderful songs and energetic dance routines, including an Egyptian Pharoah singing like Elvis!
We had a brilliant week. Everyone worked really hard but we also had a lot of fun with drama games every day and some cheerleading too!
We can’t wait to do it all again next year…..
BADAC Bursary 2017
IDTA Theatre Dance Awards 2018
Little Shop Of Horrors Workshop
During Autumn Half Term 2016 we ran a workshop day based on Little Shop of Horrors. Forty students spent the day at the studio learning routines form the show and making their own Audrey 2 sock puppets! We had a great time and everyone worked really hard to put on an excellent performance at the end of the day!